Message of Head of the Department

Computer Science and Engineering Department started its undergraduate program in 1989 with two batches of students each of 30. Since then the department had been receiving the best students of the country. Initially this department was named Computer Engineering and it offered only Masters’ Degree. Now it is offering B.Sc. Engg; M.Sc.Engg and Ph.D. degrees. Now we are enrolling 120 students in the undergraduate and 60 in the PG level in each year. There are now about 740 students in the department.

Our curriculum is most up to date and there are 4 Professors, 2 Associate Professor another 26 young faculty members in the department. Since 1986 the department offered about 300 B.Sc. Engg. 100 M.S. Engg. and 1 PhD degree. Graduates of our department are working in many reputed companies abroad especially in the USA. The department qualified to participate in each year after 1997 in ACM ICPC World Final and our best position was 11th.

CSE department is the leader in the country in computer science and engineering education and it is producing the best product. The department maintained good standard of teaching and this is proven through the performances of our graduates in home and abroad. Our undergraduate students are publishing papers in the IICT conference each year.

This is country of huge manpower and the country can benefit tremendously from the IT business and the CSE graduates are the most competent in contributing software design, software services etc. At present most of our Alumni are abroad. But from now onwards we expecting many more graduates will remain in the country as the enrollment figure in the department increased 4 fold.

I believe that our graduate will create an impact in the software industry in Bangladesh.


Dr. Md. Shamsul Alam

CSE Department